David Lee Anderson

Born in southern California in the early 1960's, I was hauled about the North American continent by my parents for much of my youth. I have lived in chilly Maine, baking Guaymas (Mexico), the balmy Florida Keys, damp Puget Sound, and may parts in-between. After graduating high school, in my adoptive home town of Ukiah, I learned my medical imaging in the U. S. Army. The Army kept me for a couple of years in Ludwigsburg, Germany where I got a chance visit some of Europe. When my active service was complete, I decided to settle back down in northern California. Today I enjoy the conveniences of the greater Sacramento area, with its proximity to the coast as well as the Sierra Nevada, prime destinations for much of my current works.
By default, I am a professional photographer. For livelihood though, I work for hire performing medical imaging; X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. But I also shoot outside of hospital walls, primarily landscapes, and nature. There, in my personal works, I have in-fact won several awards, make odd bits here and there in sales of prints, and occasionally do some outdoor portraiture and low light event photography.
I began my endearment of the photographic arts early in my life, some time around 1970, that was the first time I remember meeting my parent’s high school friend Larry Kastendiek. At my young age I was impressed with the equipment, and the prints he had, many of them were of the stars of Hollywood. I remember a nice studio and darkroom/lab, behind his home, out in the suburbs of Los Angeles.
Several years down the road I bought my first camera, nothing more than a Kodak 126 Instamatic, but bought and paid for with income from my first part-time job. With that camera, I took a lot of pictures, learning by trial and error, the art of composition. In high school I got my first taste of a 35mm SLR while on the annual staff, it was a Minolta with a 50mm lens. I had little instruction in to its use, but collected a number of images for inclusion in our year books. My first SLR was an Olympus OM1-n, I purchased while in Germany at the PX. I shot a lot of pictures of Germany, however many were lost in shipment back to the U.S. of A. In the 1989 my Oly had given up on life, and Olympus seemed to be leaving the OM market, so I decided to move over to the Canon line, where I worked in film until about 2003. I proceeded to have a short flirt with Fuji when photography went digital, but have returned to Canon where I am most likely to remain, due to an extensive equipment collection in cameras and lenses.